
This new house was granted planning approval on it’s first submission. An intentionally contemporary appearance is proposed consistent with the local historical precedent of modern movement buildings in the area. The form and geometry, developed as an asymmetric pitched roof, gives the maximum building height whilst...

10 Kensington Place, Brighton   This small 19th century cottage in the North Laine was extended with a small glass roofed extension which combined with modernisation of the town patio and kitchen has created light filled highly insulated interior. The work was technically complex with careful attention to...

Shirley Drive, Hove   This is a major residential extension and re-modelling increasing the floor space from 1,600 sq.ft. to 2,400 sq.ft.   The house includes solar panels, polished concrete floors, double height rooms, zinc cladding and was featured in Ideal Home magazine. Energy consumption was halved despite the...

Balham High Road   Despite nearly 40 notifications to adjoining owners there was not one objection to this part conversion and part new build of seven units behind Balham High Street. A very detailed design and access statement and intense negotiation with the Council resulted in approval on...

North Gate, Texas   This 10 acre site was planned out to provide a mix of detached and terraced housing working in conjunction with a local surveyor. Bought subject to planning consent, the scheme was approved by the Council on first application. We designed the individual houses...

19, 20, 21 Regent Street - Brighton Pre-purchase enquiries on 20 Regent Street to the planners elicited the following response……… ” We’ll never ever give you planning permission and you’ll get fed up trying and have to sell it……………” Despite this, we proceeded to buy the site for...

Coachmaker Mews   7 Flats and houses, part new build part conversion, including a zinc clad warehouse were developed opposite Clapham North tube station. This was a redesign of an unbuildable previous consent exactly on the original footprint....

Office Development - Union Road, London SW4   A traditionally designed scheme by previous architects with inaccurate site plans was improved with a contemporary design. The planners were so pleased with the improvements that the new design was approved as a “minor amendment” avoiding the need to...

Balham High Road   This was a difficult site with Rights of Light issues on Balham High Road. The existing building onto the High Road was retained and the staircase relocated centrally so that an additional floor could be accommodate in a contemporary infill to the rear...